Some background info to help you follow. You see, Cedar Rapids is a city of many smells, and in the five years I've called this city home, 99.9% of the smells that have wafted in through my car vents have been FAR from appetizing. I've heard tales of the air smelling like Cap'n Crunch Berries on occasion, but I was pretty sure people were lying about this phenomena since I'd never experienced "pleasant" CR smells...that is until day two of the starvation plan. And then, as the day was coming to a close and I was starting to feel a little HANGRY, the sweet smell wafted into my car.
Seriously?!? Can't a girl catch a break?
Seriously?!? Can't a girl catch a break?
Cap'n, why, oh why, do you have to make your Crunch Berries just so darn tasty...and delicious smelling??? |
But everything I tried was to no avail. By the time I made it to my destination, I was ready to LICK the car vents...and then I ate a cookie.
So there you have it. Day two of taking the Diet Nazi head on and I'm off the wagon. At least I know Cap'n Crunch Berries day does exist and isn't just a cruel prank to keep me inhaling deeply in the hopes that one day I will be greeted by something other than a putrid stench. What can I say. Living here is like roulette for the senses.
And, in the pursuit of full disclosure with my dear readers, I can say day three, which is quickly coming to a close, hasn't gone much better than day two...just replace the cookie I ate on day two with a cupcake on day three. And that slip up is even WITHOUT the Captin' Crunch air temptress crushing my willpower. Weight Watchers is sounding better all the time...well, Weight Watchers and a giant bowl of Crunch Berries. :)
Just. Died. Seriously...this was hilarious because growing up in CR, I can totally see this entire post like a movie. Day four, its back on the wagon lady. You can do it... even when your hangry :)