Monday, March 25, 2013

Vacation Update: Compliment Challenge

At the start of our vacation, the BFF and I decided we should try to spread a some of our vacation happiness to those we encountered on our trip -- especially those who were serving us in some capacity.

The rules started off pretty simply ... Provide a unique compliment (no reusing) to as many people as possible and address them by name (as most of the service personal we encountered were wearing name tags).

I started off pretty strong with my first compliment directed at the gate attendant working C8 at the Atlanta airport. She had a rich voice as she called boarding zones, so naturally, as she scanned my boarding pass, I said, "Michelle, you have a voice for radio." My off-hand compliment solicited a pretty genuine smile from Michelle and a few laughs from the passengers behind me in line...and I boarded the plane feeling pretty darn proud of myself for my originality and kindness.

But then we went to dinner at P.F. Chang's in Ft. Lauderdale during our first night of vacation...and the Compliment Challenge evolved into the Complicated Compliment Challenge as the rule list grew exponentially:

1) Provide a unique compliment to as many people as possible and address them by name
3) Extra points if you can use alliteration (the longer the alliteration the higher the points) (i.e. Anna was always amazing and attentive at an attractive caveat: the longer the alteration, the less sense the compliment made)
4) Extra points if you can use a homophone -- words that sound alike but with different meanings and spellings. (i.e. for the man operating the wave-rider surf simulator, "Bodacious Brad, your brawny bod kept me far from bored during my first boogie board experience."...see how I worked in some alliteration, too. DOUBLE POINTS!!!)

Most of these rules evolved due to lack of sleep and the punchy, slap-stick behavior it prompted. For a good portion of dinner, we talked primarily in alliteration. Apparently, that's what happens when you put two sleep deprived writers together...if given enough time, things just kind of spiral and words like alliteration, homophone and homonym get thrown about until you've completely gone of course but don't recognize that you've taken a detour.

So when we paid our bill at P.F. Chang's, we wrote a compliment on receipt with the tip for our server Amanda, and we upped the ante by working in some alliteration.

Amanda, you're amazingly awesome! :)
Fabulous. We were ROCKING the Compliment Challenge.

Then we walked back to the hotel. Giggling and acting like fools because we were WAY PAST tired. And, the valet desk guy said, "Have a great night ladies." And, rather than let it ride with a simple, "Thanks," I decided to get in another alliteration compliment.

I was too far away to read his name tag so, I respond, "Hey, thanks. What's your name?" He responded, "Kevin." To which I go, "Well, Kevin..." Long dramatic pause while I rack my brain for any adjectives that start with the letter K. "'ve been...." Another pause while I futilely try to convince my overly tired brain to come up with even an adjective that starts with a K sound. No dice. "you've been faaaannnntasic."

Yep. Compliment Challenge fail. Best of all, as we rode up the elevator the BFF and I came up with an alliterative compliment that I would've been proud to share with Kevin..."Keep killin' it, Kev!!!" Now, I can't figure out why my brain couldn't have pulled that beaut out 10 minutes earlier, but I stashed it away on the chance we'd encounter another K named person on our trip.And, we vowed to do better the next day.

Then we got on the cruise ship and encountered "Iujlia." After a terrified look at one another that said, "I have NO idea how to pronounce that," we realized it might be best to keep the Compliment Challenge simple so we didn't have to ask every international service person on our cruise ship how to pronounce their names before we could compliment them.

So, that's what we did, and we still had fun genuinely thanking and complimenting those we interacted with. And, I think it was universally appreciated.

My challenge to you all...try the Compliment Challenge this week with those you encounter. You might be surprised how well it's received and how much it brightens your week in addition to the weeks of those you compliment (by name when possible).

If you want to work in some of the extra points methods, my one piece of advice is to tread lightly. I'd hate for you to have your very own Kevin moment...because it's awkward...and seems like you're completely hitting on said individual. Sorry, Kev. I hope you still got a smile at my expense.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Vacation Update: Stalker Gawker

Our cruise vacation was a trip for two, but come dinner time. My BFF and I often felt like we had a third member in our dining party -- Stalker Gawker.

You see, Stalker Gawker was a man who was technically traveling with who we assumed to be his wife; however, his mind and eyes seemed to be pretty focused on our table. And, honestly, I can't blame the guy. We were looking tip-top, enjoying our food and conversation, laughing with abandon, and making friends with our wait staff. I'd have given him a free glance or two per dining hour without a second thought. Let's face it, we were having a good time, and who wouldn't want to be a part of that?

BUT, with as much as he was staring, I was concerned his food wouldn't make it in his mouth because he was SOOO completely focused on us. To save his stylish plaid shirts from unsightly food stains, I seriously considered pulling up a chair for Stalker Gawker.

With our normal seating arrangement, my BFF had her back to Stalker Gawker, and therefore got a lot of me saying, "SERIOUSLY?!? Again with the staring!" However, on the final day of our cruise, I decided it was my civic duty to spread the love and give the BFF a taste of unbridled admiration care of the one and only Stalker Gawker. Through our little experiment, we discovered Stalker Gawker wasn't just partial to awkwardly watching me eat ... he had plenty of stares for the BFF, too. And, like any good blogger, I thought it only appropriate that we document our third travel buddy so I'd have a visual when I shared the story with my dear readers.

So, I give you exhibit A, Stalker Gawker caught in the act:

Yep, we're sly ladies. The BFF pretended to be capturing my dinner smile and some of the beautiful dining room, and as she captured the shot, Stalker Gawker glanced our way. PERFECT TIMING!!! This image was essentially my view as I dinned for the entire week.

So, PSA to all you "people watchers," (I'm totally one of them): Limit your staring and/or spread the wealth so it's not QUITE as obvious that you've completely singled out a person or two. You'd hate to be the next profiled Stalker Gawker on some strangers blog. AND, if you happen to recognize our dear Stalker Gawker, encourage him to focus just a tad more on the company he's with rather than the ladies at a neighboring table.

More BFF cruise vacation photos and stories to follow ... so get ready for that business.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Little Kid Excited Face

I just returned from a FABULOUS cruise vacation with my BFF and if I had to sum it up the first thing that comes to mind is Little Kid Excited Face (LKEF).

You see, when I'm REALLY enjoying myself, my LKEF comes out in full force. AND THERE WAS A TON OF LKEF ON THIS VACATION.

Here's a sampling (note: if you read the captions as if they're typed in all caps, you get more of the LKEF effect):

In Florida outside our hotel...look it's a palm tree. I promise I've seen one before,
but by the look on my LKEF and my Vanna White pose, you'd think it's my first time.
Hey, hey. I'm swimming in the ocean off of Haiti. No, again, not my first time
 in the ocean...but with the LKEF I can see how someone might think that. 
They left these drums unattended on our Haitian cultural tour...
naturally, I'm going to pose with them...and bust out the LKEF.
Replicating my first day of school photo. Why?
Because I'm wearing my pack-back. Duh. LKEF coming out a little.
Check out the LKEF ... I'm being "team captain" for our section during a
game show style challenge on the ship. WOOT WOOT team 7!!!
Slightly obscured, but you can still see the gaping mouth LKEF smile
as I get ready to para-sail. This actually was my first time.
And, the most prominent LKEF of them all. I'm dancing with a DOLPHIN.
Pretty sure my dentist could check for cavities just by looking at this photo.

I hope you've enjoyed this vacation recap and introduction to my LKEF. More vacation stories will be posted in the near get EXCITED!!! Yep, pretty sure all you readers just busted out your very own LKEF. :)